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Shipping Policies Zmaxtech.com ships with UPS and US Postal Service. Shipping fees are calculated on a combined basis of weight, value, and destination. Some orders are shipped in multiple parcels. - We ship to your home address only. We do not ship to your place of business, hotels, motels, or resorts. - Shipments to PO Boxes can only be shipped via US Postal Service. - US Postal Service shipments cannot be tracked and have a slower rate of destination arrival. SHIPPING TIME Most orders are shipped within 24 to 48 hours. Shipment time depends on stock availability. When items are in stock and we receive your order before 12pm PST, your order will ship the same day. Please note that shipping time is not the same as total delivery time. Time of arrival of your order(s) = travel time + processing time. Choosing Next Day shipping does not always mean your order will be delivered the day after you place your order online. We do accept INTERNATIONAL ORDERS. International orders are generally subject to local import duties and taxes. Zmaxtech is not responsible for any customs related fees that customer may incur. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card, American Express and paypal for most international orders. We do have to perform extra security steps to protect against fraud. We need to contact customer directly to confirm cardholder information. Zmaxtech.com reserves the right to refuse an order when the address or credit card is unverifiable.
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